Tuesday, July 18, 2006


From the school we are taught a subject known as SCIENCE. For some its one of their favorite subjects. In science we come to know about the three states Matter. Solid, Liquid and Gaseous. There is no other state known to man except these 3 states. I also remember the example of ice, which changes to water in liquid state, and further when boiled changes to Gaseous state. So, man cannot even think of a different type of matter.
Here the question of Antimatter arises. From the word we come to know that it is Anti-matter. Something which is the reverse, the negative of Matter. There are many instances of antimatter in fiction novels. Such fiction novels do keep us on the chair for hours as we go on reading. But are there people who are trying to create antimatter. The consequences of such a thing could be the best or the worst. Antimatter if we consider for a moment will be such a thing that could suck in any type of matter. I mean if for example a crazy fellow does develop antimatter, then how is he going to preserve it. But yeah there are people who love to do such crazy things. Ever heard of a black hole? Actually no one knows about the state of a black hole. But it sure does is a ball of vacuum that sucks everything that comes in its way. Black hole could be according to me a antimatter. Till now no one has found the actual state of a black hole. Some scientists say that the black hole is created when a star gets destroyed. Some times Super Nova also causes black hole. The name might be small but black holes are recorded to be the size of Earth. And they move.
Antimatter and a black hole can be similar in their types. Only the difference could be in their sizes. No one knows where the objects go when a black hole sucks them. People have their own say on this. Many theories are taken into account considering a black hole. But no decisive conclusion is brought to light. Some say that the black holes in space open act as a window to another dimension. Our antimatter is the same I think. There are many people who love to do such crazy stuff. They like to search for the aliens on earth and stuff like that. I have not read about antimatter produced anywhere. But yeah surely one day a psycho will surely produce some grams of antimatter just like the CLONE concept.

Amit Dixit


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